Carrying out "the advice to a draft" to the Special Issue of Journal of Information Processing Society (will issue on March 2019)

Members of a special interest group of Internet and Operation Technology (IPSJ SIG-IOT) plan the special issue of Journal of Information Processing (JIP) “the Internet and operation technologies by constructing resilient information systems”. As a SIG-IOT’s own trial to improve papers submitted for the special issue, we will advise authors on their manuscripts before the submission deadline (June 2018).


It is not useful for both the authors side and the editorial side to be judged or to judge as “significant modification is necessary” in the first peer review. Therefore, for the purpose to improve the quality of the submitted papers, we carry out “the advice to a draft” that points out what are likely to be judged as reject due to the necessity of major revision at the first judgment.

Submission method

If you want “the advice to a draft”, please uses EasyChair to submit the draft for convenience. The way how to submit is as shown below.

  1. Access the submission page of special issue (2018) for the advice to a draft.
  2. If you already have an account of EasyChair,  please log in with your account. If you do not have an account, please create a new account and then log in. “New Submission for IOT_Journal 2018” is the page for submission of a draft.
  3. The language of input information follows the language of the draft. If you submit the draft in Japanese, please write author information in Japanese. If you submit the draft in English, please do it in English.
    • Please fill the information of the first author in “Author 1”. The required information is First name, Last name, Email, Country, and Organization.
    • At least one author is required and if you have co-authors, please fill out the co-author information after Author 2. By pressing the button “Click here to add more authors”, you can add the entry field of co-author information.
    • If you select the “corresponding author” checkbox, that author or/and co-author are regard as the contact person(s).
    • Please input the title of the paper in “Title” and the abstract in “Abstract” field. HTML tags can not be used.
    • Please enter at least three keywords of the article in “Keywords” field. Please input one keyword on one line, not sperated with comma.
  4. By pushing “Uploads” button, you can select the draft file in PDF format. You can submit without specifying the paper file. You can not upload after the deadline.
    • PDF files must be less than 20 MB.
  5. Please push “Submit” button to complete the submission. When the confirmation page is displayed, the submission is over. If there are lacks of information, you should correct it with following the instructions displayed. Receipt confirmation e-mail will be delivered to the e-mail address of the contact author.


  • Submission deadline for advices: March 26, 2018 (Monday)
  • Advices notification: Early May 2018


  • This “advice to a draft” is not necesarry for all authors who are due to submit to the journal.
  • The advices obtained by it do not promise or guarantee to be judged as accept in the journal.
  • Authors who used the advice must also submit to the posting site of the the journal (not the “Advice to a draft”) by the submission deadline of the journal.

Contact address

  • jrnl2018 -at- (Replace -at- with @).